My stay in Japan was an enriching experience because I got the opportunity to learn about their cuisine (especially sushi) and dining traditions. The Japanese are meticulous about their food and they follow certain rules and etiquettes for eating sushi in a traditional restaurant. While there is no hard and fast rule about how to eat sushi in Japan, this …
How Much Sushi Rice to Make per Person?
I know many people love eating sushi at restaurants but find the idea of making them at home intimidating. Most common fears are associated with how to make perfect sushi rice, how much sushi rice to use per serving, how to put everything together in proportion etc. Trust me, it’s much easier than you think! (To find out the step-by-step …
15 Easy Sushi Recipes For Beginners
Love eating sushi for dinner but find it too expensive for a weekly indulgence? Why not make them at home? It can be a fun activity for the entire family to come together and create beautiful memories. Your sushi may not be Instagram-worthy in the first try but they will be so delicious that you won’t care! Today, I will …
How To Make Sushi Rice In A Rice Cooker? (also in a pot)
I must admit that cooking sushi rice is not the most exciting part of making sushi, but it’s an essential constituent nevertheless. The sushi rice, or sushi-meshi or Shari in Japanese, can make or break your sushi roll. It should be sticky enough to make nigiri sushi but not too mushy or too hard. It must have just the right …
Can You Freeze Sushi?
Ah! I am familiar with that incessant pang of hunger when you want to quickly make sushi or order some from your favorite restaurant. When hunger takes over, it’s common to make more sushi or order extra than you can probably consume at once. So, what to do with the leftovers? Can you freeze sushi? Yes, you can but only …
10 Common Sushi Making Mistakes for Beginners
Making sushi may seem simple, right? After all, you only need to prepare some sticky rice, season it with vinegar and then roll it with raw fish, vegetables or any other topping. Well, this is easier said than done. Sushi is a delicious dish, but if you make even the slightest mistake when making it, you will not like the …