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Do You Reheat Sushi?

It happens with me quite often – I buy more sushi from the grocery store than I can possibly eat because of unbearable hunger pangs. The remaining pieces end up in the refrigerator with hopes to eat them the next morning but the dish loses its texture and taste. I am sure many of you can relate to the situation. …

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Does Sushi Have Egg?

When I hear sushi, my mind immediately conjures up images of nigiri with a glistening slice of raw fish over a bed of seasoned rice. Some people may differ and think of maki rolls covered in deep green seaweed or California rolls with avocado on top. I am sure no one thinks of an egg when talking about sushi, but …

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Can You Get Worms From Sushi?

Soft, succulent, and savory, the raw fish on sushi may melt into your mouth like butter and leave behind a nice subtle flavor. I have some American friends who were initially scared of eating raw fish and now they are so hooked that they can have it every day. But, is okay to eat a lot of sushi or should …

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Do You Need Mirin To Make Sushi?

If you have traveled to Japan or dined at an authentic Japanese restaurant, you are probably familiar with the subtle tang and sweetness mixed with rich umami flavor. You will be surprised to know that it’s not due to sugar but a typical Japanese rice wine called mirin. But, is it used in all Japanese dishes? Do you need mirin …

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What Is The Black Sauce On Sushi?

If you are a non-Japanese, it’s understandable if you have no idea about the flavorful black sauce served with sushi. The dish will not really taste the same without it. You will find numerous variations of this sauce in Japanese cuisine than any other food culture in this world. So, what is the black sauce on sushi? If the black …

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38 Sushi Topping Ideas For Rolls And Nigiri

Ahh! there’s nothing like the good old traditional maki rolls, but I am sure you will agree that we don’t mind indulging our tastebuds in the sea of flavors presented in westernized rolls. Although the inside-out California roll is not really a Japanese thing, food lovers just can’t have enough of the sushi toppings on the bed of rice. However, …