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Toro vs Maguro vs Akami

Ah! Tuna. The perfectly sliced red colored fillet glistens like a precious gem when served as sashimi or used as a topping on nigirizushi. It looks and tastes incredible, no wonder the spicy tuna sushi is one of the most popular Japanese delicacies. But, do you know that all tuna pieces are not alike. Tuna flesh is graded depending on …

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Does Sushi Contain MSG?

Sushi is supposed to be healthy. However, a lot of research has been conducted to determine whether certain sushi ingredients are harmful. One outstanding concern is that sushi may contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), a common ingredient in foods and one that is tied to a wide range of negative health side effects. Yes, it is true that most sushi contains …

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What’s In A Philadelphia Roll And How To Make It

If you are a frequent visitor at sushi bars then you have probably seen or even tried a Philadelphia roll. You can tell from the name that this is not traditional Japanese sushi but a westernized creation designed to woo the foreigners. Whatever the case, you cannot deny that a Philly roll tastes heavenly. Made from smoked salmon and delicious …

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How Much Do Sushi Chefs Make In Japan?

Slicing fish, cooking rice, and rolling them together don’t call for any skills or hard work. Is that what you think while munching on a perfectly made sushi roll? How hard can making a nigirizushi be? If you thought that the work of a sushi chef or itamae is a walk in the park then you are wrong. It takes …

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What Is Tako And How To Make Tako (Octopus) Sushi

Just when I thought I had tried almost all types of sushi that can be possibly made, I came across Tako Sushi (pronounced as TA-ko-su-shee). It sounded a bit different and feeling a bit experimental, I decided to give it a try! As I sat waiting for the sushi, I had no idea what was going to come to the …

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Proper Way to Eat a Hand Roll (Temaki)

Sushi is a Japanese dish that is made from a variety of ingredients (including seafood, vegetables and eggs) wrapped in vinegar-flavored, cold cooked rice and seaweed. It is widely favored in the East and gaining popularity at a rapid rate in the West. What is the proper way to eat a hand-rolled Temaki? The best way to eat Temaki is …