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Easy Natto Maki Recipe (Japanese Fermented Soybeans)

Are you an adventurous eater? I am. Out of my passion for food, I have tried some of the weirdest dishes such as lutefisk in Norway and Huitlacoche in Mexico. Talking about Japanese food, one of the weirdest things I have tried is Natto. Like it or loathe it, but you cannot ignore it if you live in Japan. It’s …

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Does Traditional Sushi Have Avocado?

Avocado is a common and very loved ingredient in everyday sushi. But is avocado, the American fruit, part of traditional Japanese sushi? Traditional sushi does not have avocado in its rolls. You may find that shocking because we are so used to eating avocado in our sushi rolls. But this is actually an American invention, and traditional Japanese cuisine does …

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Do you eat sushi rolls in one bite?

Do you know all the rules and etiquettes of eating sushi? Did you even know there is one? And do you know what is the proper way of eating sushi rolls – in one or several bites? You are probably thinking now: am I eating sushi all the wrong way? Well, truth to be told sushi rolls (nigiri sushi) are …

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What is the Difference Between Kombu and Nori?

Sushi lovers are all too familiar with kombu and nori. To most, these are just vegetables that go down well with their favorite sushi. They don’t seem to differ by much. However, there are several fundamental differences between these two vegetables. So, how does kombu differ from nori? The fundamental difference is that kombu is dried kelp while nori is …

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Grocery Store Sushi vs Restaurant Sushi

Several years ago, my friend introduced me to authentic makizushi prepared by a master chef in a sushi bar. So, when I saw pre-packed sushi available as cold snacks at the grocery stores, it confused me. I wondered – how can the same food vary so widely in terms of quality, price, and presentation? After eating sushi in numerous restaurants …

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(Gimbap) Kimbap vs Sushi: Detailed Explanation

I look and taste a lot like sushi but I have a different name. Who am I? I am Kimbap or Gimbap, the Korean version of your favorite Japanese sushi. I guess if Kimbaps could talk, they would say something like this. J Are Korean kimbap and Japanese sushi the same thing? The answer is yes and no. While they …